Hans Rasmusson

Secretary General, ERIG

„ERIG is an association based on research with the aim to advance a sustainable, climate neutral Europe with gas innovation. We are proud to be part of EGATEC that offers the opportunity to share forefront knowledge and experiences and to work together to achieve this"

Hans Rasmusson is Secretary General of ERIG - European Research Institute of Gas and Energy Innovation.

He has led the organization from an informal network to a registered international non-profit association based in Brussels. It has the objective to guide gas in the transition towards a future renewable based energy system by cooperation in research and innovation in the field of sustainable and innovative gas technologies and the use of gas in combination with renewable energies.

Hans Rasmusson holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering (2004) from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, including a two-year scholarship specializing in Integrated Product Development at KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Since then, he has always been dedicated to innovation, gas and energy, starting his career with founding and operating his own business in Germany. In 2010 Hans Rasmusson joined DVGW, the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water, where he is now Managing Head for Project Portfolio Management/ERIG within the department of Technology and Innovation Management. He is Secretary General of ERIG since its foundation in 2019.

5.30 - 6.30 PM Seminar

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Little Tricks From The Dark Corners

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those leading the charge. How you transform