EGATEC Speakers 2022
Veerle Beelaerts
Head of Technology, European Heating Industry (EHI)
Veerle Beelaerts
Head of Technology, European Heating Industry (EHI)
Since November 2020, I work as head of technology in the European Heating Industry, where I am responsible for ecodesign and energy labelling regulations, standardisation and renewable based technologies. In previous functions, I worked as a policy officer at the European Commission, responsible for ecodesign and energy labelling regulations for heating and cooling products and in regulatory affairs in Europe and the Middle East at Daikin Europe. I hold a PhD in engineering.
Torben Brabo
SVP, Energinet Gas TSO, President of GIE
Aurélie Carayol
Hydrogen Project Director, GRTgaz Technical Division and Chairwoman of the Hydrogen Task Force, MARCOGAZ
Aurélie Carayol
Hydrogen Project Director, GRTgaz Technical Division and Chairwoman of the Hydrogen Task Force, MARCOGAZ
Alix Chambris
Vice President Global Public Affairs and Sustainability, Viessmann
Alix Chambris
Vice President Global Public Affairs and Sustainability, Viessmann
Alix Chambris is leading Global Public Affairs and Sustainability at Viessmann since January 2019. Focus areas include the decarbonisation of heating and cooling, digitalisation and competitiveness. Alix has seventeen years experience in policy making and business, with a strong focus on energy and climate policy. She has worked in the European Commission where she drafted regulations on energy-related products. She has previously led EU public affairs at Danfoss; she was president of EuroACE, the European alliance for energy efficiency in buildings; and vice-president of EU-ASE, the European alliance for energy savings. Alix holds a master’s degree in Economics from the College of Europe, a master’s degree from Science-Po Strasbourg, and a master’s degree in German language and civilisation.
Dr Patrick Cnubben
LNG & Hydrogen, New Energy Coalition, ERIG Board of Directors and HEAVENN initiator
Dr Patrick Cnubben
LNG & Hydrogen, New Energy Coalition, ERIG Board of Directors and HEAVENN initiator
Drs. Ing. Patrick Cnubben (1965) studied Chemical Engineering at the Hogere Technische School Heerlen (1989) and Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam (1993) and has been employed successively by Pré Consultants, Philips, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Technology Center North Netherlands before his involvement within the Energy Valley Foundation and New Energy Coalition. Within the Energy Valley Foundation, which is now merged into the New Energy Coalition. He has been active in this domain for over 16 years now and is focussed on and responsible for the realization of large scale investments in the field of Bio Energy & Gas enhancing amongst else the production and use of (biogenic) energy carriers such as Green Gas, (Bio)LNG and Hydrogen. The facilitation of business development - from idea generation through the realisation phase towards the operational phase - with and within industrial clusters on subjects such as Green Gas, (Bio)LNG, Power to Gas, biomass conversion technologies and Hydrogen in the Northern-Netherlands is key.
Patrick is member of several organisations such as a member of the executive board of the Dutch National LNG Platform which executes the public privately organised Green Deal LNG Rhine & Wadden, he also is the secretary of the TaskForce LNG North Netherlands which functions as a regional branch of this Green Deal. Patrick is also a member of the Advisory Committee for Physical Environment of the province of Drenthe and the steering group Chemical Park Delfzijl. He is also involved in structuring the North-Netherlands Green Hydrogen ambitions.
Christian Copin
Vice President, GERG, Scientific Adviser, GRTgaz
Christian Copin
Vice President, GERG, Scientific Adviser, GRTgaz
"In industry, and of course in the gas industry, progress is made when science, technology, standardization and business are perfectly in line and cooperate in an efficient way. The EGATEC Conference is a perfect example of this powerful value chain that can change the world and lead us to a clean and affordable future. This is why supporting EGATEC is a natural choice."
Christian has been working for more than 30 years in the French gas industry, mainly in the Research, Development, and Innovation activities.
After 10 first years dedicated to the optimization of gas utilisation in industrial applications, such as furnaces or other processes, his career expanded and his job included marketing aspects (as the gas market opened to competitors), and proposal of technical services to customers, mainly focused on sustainability and coupling between gas and renewable energy.
In 2008, Christian joined GRTgaz, French gas TSO, to explore innovative subjects like biomethane, power-to-gas, hydrogen and CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage). He has participated to different projects and professional networks at the European level, such as HIPS-NET, SFEM WG H2 ou Hyready.
Christian has an Engineering degree (Masters) from Ecole de Mines de Nancy.
Alexander Dauensteiner
Product Line Owner Fuel Cells & Co-ordinator Global Hydrogen Activities, Viessmann Climate Solutions SE
Alexander Dauensteiner
Product Line Owner Fuel Cells & Co-ordinator Global Hydrogen Activities, Viessmann Climate Solutions SE
Alexander Dauensteiner studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart and graduated in 1998. After a few years at the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in Stuttgart with a focus on eco-design and life cycle management, he moved to the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and worked with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and Amory Lovins on the topic of 1-litre passenger cars. In 2002, he moved to the heating appliance manufacturer Vaillant as a project manager for fuel cell heating appliances and became Head of Product Management Innovation three years later. From 2015 to 2017 he was Head of Product Management System Products and from February 2017 to October 2019 Senior Association Manager Digitalisation of the Vaillant Group. Since October 2019, he has been Product Line Owner Fuel Cells and is responsible for the global hydrogen activities at Viessmann.
Harmen Dekker
CEO, European Biogas Association (EBA)
Kris de Wit
Deputy General Manager, GAS.BE
Kris de Wit
Deputy General Manager, GAS.BE
Kris is an engineer responsible for all technical activities of the Belgian gas association which scope is focused on end-use. His main fields of experience are product certification and gas quality. Since many years he is active in Marcogaz and since last year he chairs its standing committee on gas utilization.
Werner Diwald
Chairman of the Board, German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV)
Werner Diwald
Chairman of the Board, German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV)
Member of the board of ENERTRAG AG, Project Developer (2000 - 2013)
Director of ENERTRAG HyTec GmbH, Electrolyzer manufacture (2005 - 2013)
Managing Partner of PtX Solutions GmbH, Consulting Company (2013 - until now)
Christoph Gatzen
Director, Frontier Economics
Christoph Gatzen
Director, Frontier Economics
Dr Christoph Gatzen is a Director in Frontier’s Cologne office and has over 15 years of consulting experience in the European energy sector. He advises companies, regulators and government authorities from the energy and mobility sector as well as law firms. Christoph is an expert for regulation, competition and transaction as well as litigation.
Christoph regularly leads projects dealing with e-fuels, fuel supply chains, hydrogen economy, climate policy, auction design (RES-E and CRM), flexibility markets, power storage and aspects of market design in a more common sense, e.g. regarding decarbonisation in the power, heat and automotive sector. He also led several studies on sector coupling and synthetic fuels, supported the European Commission in dealing with regulatory obstacles for the use of green gas (e.g. hydrogen) and advised a supplier in the automotive sector on the economics of synthetic fuels.
Dr Dietrich Gerstein
Senior Advisor, TEAM CONSULT G.P.E. GmbH, Independent Expert for Renewable Mobility, DVGW e.V
Dr Dietrich Gerstein
Senior Advisor, TEAM CONSULT G.P.E. GmbH, Independent Expert for Renewable Mobility, DVGW e.V
Dietrich Gerstein holds a Ph.D. in mining and engineering. He started his career with Ruhrgas AG, Essen in 1992 and held senior positions in business development, gas purchase and in management and negotiation of long-term gas contracts. Later on, he was responsible for the development of the LNG business of the E.ON group. Lately, Mr Gerstein worked with Royal Dutch Vopak, Rotterdam as Global Director LNG. He has in-depth knowledge of international natural gas, LNG and energy markets. Beside Natural Gas and LNG supply and purchase projects he focussed on infrastructure developments (pipeline, LNG, storage). Currently he works with TEAM CONSULT, Berlin, with the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) and with governmental institutions on facilitating the use of renewable gases as part of the transition of energy markets into a low carbon future. A special focus is on power to gas technologies and on use of renewable gases in transport.
Dr Marcel Goelden
WESTKÜSTE100 Coordination & "Green Refinery" Team of Heide Refinery, "Reallabor der Energiewende WESTKÜSTE100"
Dr Marcel Goelden
WESTKÜSTE100 Coordination & "Green Refinery" Team of Heide Refinery, "Reallabor der Energiewende WESTKÜSTE100"
Marcel studied Management, Finance and Psychology and holds a PhD from the Centre of Management WWU-Münster (Germany). After working as a Post-Doc he decided to work as a consultant. In his role he supported different boards of inter-/national companies as a strategy consultant mainly in the field of innovation and green energy. He has deep knowledge in (green) hydrogen production, SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) and several related fields in the energy transition of industrial sites. Marcel currently works in the “Green Strategy Team” of Raffinerie Heide GmbH and several projecets like e.g. WESTKÜSTE100.
Dr. Frank Graf
Head of Gas Technology Division, DVGW Research Center at the EBI
Dr. Frank Graf
Head of Gas Technology Division, DVGW Research Center at the EBI
"EGATEC is the most important technology driven gas conference in Europe dedicated to research and development, innovation and communication in the European gas industry."
Frank Graf graduated in 2001 from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in Process Engineering and received his PhD from the Technical University of Karlsruhe in 2007.
Since 2005 he is employed at DVGW-EBI: 2005 - 2010 he headed the department Gas Technology Consulting.
Since 2010 he is responsible for the division Gas Technology. Besides, he is head of the group “Physical-chemical fuel processing technologies” at Engler-Bunte-Institute, KIT. His current R&D work at KIT and DVGW focus on the production and utilization of gases from renewable sources. Important research activities in this field are biogas production and upgrading as well as PtG technologies.
Furthermore, he is expert for gas transport and distribution topics like gas quality aspects, injection of renewable gases, odorisation.
He is member of various national and international research and standardization committees.
Antony Green
Hydrogen Director, National Grid, Board Member of MARCOGAZ, GERG Vice President
Antony Green
Hydrogen Director, National Grid, Board Member of MARCOGAZ, GERG Vice President
A Civil Engineer by degree, Tony has worked in the utilities and infrastructure sectors for over 30 years. He began his career at Severn Trent before moving to Advantica & then DNV GL in a variety of business and sector leadership roles providing a broad range of advisory services and asset management solutions.
Frank Gröschl
Head of Technology and Innovation Management, German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW)
Frank Gröschl
Head of Technology and Innovation Management, German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW)
Frank Gröschl is with DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches, the GermanTechnical-Scientifical Association on Gas and Water with 3000 member companies, locatedin Bonn, Germany. He has 30 years experience in the energy business. Since 2010 he is Headof Technology and Innovation Management, responsible for the strategic and operative management of the DVGW research program. DVGW promotes gas and energy innovation ina growing renewable and climate neutral energy supply system. To integrate Hydrogen inGermany ́s energy system is a focal point in the actual research and development work ofDVGW.
Frank Gröschl helds two degrees, one in energy engineering and another in economics.
Dr Walter Haslinger
CEO/CSO, BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
Alexandra Kostereva
Consultant, GERG
Alexandra Kostereva
Consultant, GERG
"Today, all professionals in the energy and gas sector are working in a fast-moving environment and setting themselves ambitious objectives to make our energy system cleaner and more efficient. Communication between R&D, technology providers, standardisation experts, decision makers, etc. is essential to reach those objectives; EGATEC provides this opportunity for meeting experts of the sector and sharing the most recent advances and innovations. We are also very excited to support the voice of the next generation of researchers through this platform, with the organisation of the GERG Young Researchers’ Awards."
Alexandra joined the European Gas Research Group team in 2019, and has since been actively involved in all research activities of the Group, on hydrogen, LNG, biomethane, and methane emissions topics. She has participated in project management and communication strategy implementation for several European-funded projects. In 2020, Alexandra expanded her knowledge of the European Energy system by completing a Blue Book internship at the Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission, working on the European Methane Emissions Strategy. She is passionate about innovative solutions for clean Energy, youth participation to strategy debates, and access to science education.
Alexandra has an Engineering (Master’s level) degree from the French Grande Ecole Centrale Lille, with a specialisation in Energy, and a Master’s degree in Economics of Energy from Université Paris-Saclay.
Peter Kristensen
Chief Strategy Officer, Evida and Chairman of Ready4H2
Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke
Prof. Dr. Gerald Linke
“The energy transition is a European, or even global issue. The communication and exchange of technologies and experiences all over Europe with a broad audience therefore is key for the success of the future decarbonized gas system. Egatech 2022 will be an excellent and outstanding platform where all stakeholders involved in energy can share their knowledge and learn from each other.”
Gerald Linke is the CEO of the German Gas & Water Association, the national standard setting body and R&D organization for gas and water.
Prior to this position, he worked at E.ON as Senior Vice President Global Engineering and as Managing Director of KGNR, a grid operator for the transport of hythane in the industrial Ruhr area.
Professor Linke served at different leading positions in the E.ON Ruhrgas group, such as Senior Vice President Research & Development or Director of the Northern German Region being responsible for several thousands of kilometres of high-pressure natural pipeline grid.
Professor Linke is a graduate in Mathematical Physics of the Technical University of Braunschweig and has a doctor degree in physics. In 2014 he was appointed honorary Professor at the Ruhr University Bochum.
Professor Linke is the German association representative in the International Gas Union. From 2018 to 2020 he was the President of MARCOGAZ, the technical and scientific EU association of the gas industry. Since June 22nd , 2020 he is the President of ERIG (European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation).
Adam Madgett
Principal Hydrogen Consultant, DNV
Adam Madgett
Principal Hydrogen Consultant, DNV
Adam has over 6 years experience working in the UK gas industry. He joined as an integrity engineer responsible for overseeing metering and gas quality across the distribution network. Since then he has been involved with a number of innovation projects which have been investigating the use of hydrogen for domestic heating. In his most recent position he led Northern Gas Networks innovation project HyDeploy, which has safely demonstrated 20% hydrogen can blended into the public network.
Rémi Mayet
Deputy Head of Unit ENER B4 Energy Security and Safety, European Commission (EC)
Dr Ludwig Möhring
CEO, Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG)
Dr Ludwig Möhring
CEO, Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG)
In 1992 Ludwig Moehring started in the energy business with BEB Erdgas und Erdöl GmbH in Hanover. In 2000 he joint Shell Gas and Power in London where he was responsible for the governance of Shell’s European gas affiliates. In 2004 he became Shell Energy Europe’s General Manager for Shell's gas activities in North-West Europe, based in The Hague. From 2010 to 2018 he was Managing Director responsible for Sales in WINGAS GmbH (Kassel). Since 2018 he has been Director General of Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V. (BVEG), the German Gas and Oil Producers Association.
Thomas Muller
Directeur Hydrogène, Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GrDF)
Thomas Muller
Directeur Hydrogène, Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GrDF)
Björn Munko
Head of Gas Technologies and Energy Systems, DVGW
Dr Jostein Pettersen
Senior Advisor Process Technology, Equinor ASA
Dr Jostein Pettersen
Senior Advisor Process Technology, Equinor ASA
Technology advisor and research manager in Equinor since 2003, working on gas technologies and LNG, and since 2016 on hydrogen and CCS technologies.
Professor/Adjunct professor (20% position) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) up to 2019 - Energy and Process Engineering
Prof. Dr. Horst Steinmüller
Managing Director Association WIVA P&G, University of Linz
Prof. Dr. Horst Steinmüller
Managing Director Association WIVA P&G, University of Linz
„Austria as a central energy storage region, hub in energy transport and an important location for renewable energy sources, is perfectly suited to demonstrate an Austrian energy flagship region that illustrates the conversion of the system to renewable hydrogen in a highly networked manner.“
Studies of Technical Chemistry at the Graz University of Technology, Dissertation at the Institute of Biotechnology of the TU Graz.
Dr. Horst Steinmüller was employed at Voest-Alpine industrial plant engineering as project engineer and later as head of Department Biomass Utilization.
At the Austrian Association for Agricultural Research (ÖVAF), he was responsible as managing director for several studies and projects in the field of environmental protection, research, development and sustainability.
In addition, he taught as a lecturer at Johannes Kepler University in Linz and at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
From 2001 to 2020 Horst Steinmüller was CEO at the Energy Institute of the JKU Linz, which deals with about 80 R&D projects annually, with the task of further developing an energy system that positively influences economic and environmental areas, strengthens the European economies and reduces fossil fuels.
He is also chairman of the scientific advisory board of ERIG and Austrian representative at IEA TCP Hydrogen and Mission Hydrogen.
Horst Steinmüller is Managing Director of WIVA P&G. In his function, he ensures the optimal framework conditions for the flagship region WIVA P&G and its members.
Dr. Tobias van Almsick
Head Department Gasquality , Open Grid Europe GmbH
Dr. Tobias van Almsick
Head Department Gasquality , Open Grid Europe GmbH
As head of OGE’s Gas Quality Competence Centre Tobias is an expert for both gas quality and methane emission issues. With regard to the topic of methane emissions, as co-chairman of the working group at FNBGas (Association of German Transmission System Operators), he is responsible for controlling all activities at national level. At international level, as a member of Marcogaz WG “Methane Emissions”, he represents the interests of the TSO and is actively involved in the standardization of methane emission topics within the framework of CEN TC 234.
Dr Murès Zarea
President, GERG
Dr Murès Zarea
President, GERG
"EGATEC has always been a great place to liaise with a wide industry cross-section bringing together several complementary communities: Research & Innovation, technology providers, technical and operational decision makers, etc. Today the gas industry faces more demanding challenges than ever, to adapt the industry towards sustainable contributions to the net zero energy transition. Marcogaz and GERG continue to contribute the technical and scientific perspectives in this increasingly urgent structural evolution. This calls for a highly collaborative approach to accelerate technology market penetration and disseminate corresponding lessons learned throughout the industry and other stakeholders. EGATEC is a critical forum to discuss today all the practical ways for the gas industry to contribute to the energy transition."
During his 30+ years of experience in the gas and energy industry, Murès has contributed from the R&D and innovation side to a large panel of research areas: gas flow, industrial safety, pipeline integrity & inspection, resistance to external interference and natural forces, gas migration in soils, digital platforms for the gas industry, emerging technologies like drones, methane emissions, etc.
These diverse topics were progressed by managing projects and fostering collaboration, in many cases at the international level. Murès continues to hold many leading positions in national & international R&D industry associations and commissions: GERG (European Gas Research Group), EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group), PRCI (Pipeline Research Council Intl.), EASE (EU Association for the Storage of Energy), Scientific Advisory of INERIS (French Research Institute on Industrial Safety). He has participated in many collaborative projects with EU & other public co-funding: IntegRisk, Defender, etc., and lectured in several universities.
Murès holds an Engineering, Master’s and PhD Degrees from Ecole Centrale de Paris / CentraleSupelec (FR).
Erik Zindel
VP Generation Sales – Hydrogen, Siemens Energy
Erik Zindel
VP Generation Sales – Hydrogen, Siemens Energy