Organisers of EGATEC 2024


EGATEC 2024 is a joint effort of: 



MARCOGAZ is the technical association of the European gas industry. It is a non-profit business association founded in 1968 and represents the European gas industry on all technical aspects of the midstream and downstream operations in the gas system’s value chain.

MARCOGAZ is the reference association of the gas industry for technical assessment in the midstream and downstream gas systems. It delivers factual insights, used as the basis for establishing trusted regulations, standardization and legislation in Europe and serves as a factual pillar to the European gas industry, allowing for better standardization and certification at European level.
MARCOGAZ has 30 member organizations and 26 partners from 20 European countries.  

GERG, the European Gas Research Group, is the joint R&D organisation for the European gas industry. GERG initiates research and technological innovation in all aspects of the gas chain; from production and processing, through transmission, storage and distribution, to utilisation of natural gas. GERG has 22 members and 22 friends and partners from 12 European countries. 


DGC is a limited company 100 % owned by the Danish DSO, Evida, and is a specialized consulting and development company within energy and environment. DGC’s main focus area is gas utilization. The company was established by Denmark’s natural gas companies in 1988. DGC offers consulting services, research and development, laboratory testing, measurement, demonstration projects, and training. DGC participates in Danish and international research projects, thereby continually updating its knowledge and methods. Participation in the work on international technical regulation in the gas utilization field keeps DGC up to date with current rules and standards in the energy and environment sector.

DVGW, the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water, is the German competence network for all questions related to gas and water supply. It is the central mission of the DVGW to advance the gas and water industry in both the technical and technical-scientific context. In pursuing this objective, the DVGW bases its activities on the current requirements of its members, and on the objectives declared in the statutes, i.e. safety and environmental protection. The DVGW has been working as an independent and unbiased technical-scientific association since 1859 and has 14,000 members, including 2,000 utilities and 1,400 companies.


Supporter of EGATEC 2024


Erig, the European Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation, is a European research and development organization with the objective to guide gas in the transition process towards a future renewable-based energy system. It is a non-profit association promoting European cooperation in research and innovation in the field of sustainable and innovative gas technologies, as well as the utilization of natural gas in conjunction with renewable energies.

Marie Huwaldt

Project Manager Marketing

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Meet our EGATEC Committee Members


Programme Committee

The Programme Committee defines the high-level objectives of EGATEC. The small group of selected MARCOGAZ, GERG, DGC, DVGW and Gasunie Members supports creating the focus topics and programme of the conference.

Alexander Schwanzer

Chairman of the EGATEC Committee , MARCOGAZ

Manuel Coxe

Secretary General, MARCOGAZ

Frank Gröschl

Head of Technology and Innovation Management, German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW)

Dr Robert Judd

Secretary General, GERG

Alexandra Kostereva

Consultant, GERG

Torben Kvist

VP Projects, Danish Gas Technology Centre (DGC)

Leen Pronk


Poster Selection Committee

The small group of selected MARCOGAZ and GERG and members evaluates and comments on the poster submissions.

Dr Murès Zarea

President, GERG

Dr. Frank Graf

Head of Gas Technology Division, DVGW Research Center at the EBI

Hans Rasmusson

Secretary General, ERIG

Prof. Dr. Horst Steinmüller

Managing Director Association WIVA P&G, University of Linz

Michel Hardy

Transmission System Operator GRTgaz and Vice President GERG